Data Carpentry trains researchers in the core data skills for efficient, shareable, and reproducible research practices. We run accessible, inclusive training workshops; teach openly available, high-quality, domain-tailored lessons; and foster an …
Introduction to data management and reproducibility for researchers as a presentation.
Open Science Graphs (OSGs) are scientific knowledge graphs representing different entities of the research lifecycle (e.g. projects, people, research outcomes, institutions) and the relationships among them. They present a contextualized …
An introduction to the concepts and best practices of research data management.
A class on setting up and managing research materials; caring for digital files to enable collaboration, sharing, and re-use; and helpful software/digital tools for organizing personal research files.
In January 2014, NIH launched a series of initiatives to enhance rigor and reproducibility in research. As a part of this initiative, NIGMS, along with nine other NIH institutes and centers, issued a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) …
A class covering the basics of writing a successful data management plan for federal funding agencies such as the NEH, NSF, NIH, NASA, and others.