
Economics Lesson with Stata

A Data Carpentry curriculum for Economics is being developed by Dr. Miklos Koren at Central European University. These materials are being piloted locally. Development for these lessons has been supported by a grant from the Sloan Foundation.

Effect of Population Heterogenization on the Reproducibility of Mouse Behavior: A Multi-Laboratory Study

In animal experiments, animals, husbandry and test procedures are traditionally standardized to maximize test sensitivity and minimize animal use, assuming that this will also guarantee reproducibility. However, by reducing within-experiment …

El Control de Versiones con Git

Software Carpentry lección para control de versiones con Git Para ilustrar el poder de Git y GitHub, usaremos la siguiente historia como un ejemplo motivador a través de esta lección. El Hombre Lobo y Drácula han sido contratados por Universal …

Enhancing Reproducibility through Rigor and Transparency

The information provided on this website is designed to assist the extramural community in addressing rigor and transparency in NIH grant applications and progress reports. Scientific rigor and transparency in conducting biomedical research is key to …

Equivalence Tests: A Practical Primer for t Tests, Correlations, and Meta-Analyses

Scientists should be able to provide support for the absence of a meaningful effect. Currently, researchers often incorrectly conclude an effect is absent based a nonsignificant result. A widely recommended approach within a frequentist framework is …

Evidence of insufficient quality of reporting in patent landscapes in the life sciences

Despite the importance of patent landscape analyses in the commercialization process for life science and healthcare technologies, the quality of reporting for patent landscapes published in academic journals is inadequate. Patents in the life …

Experimenter as automaton; experimenter as human: Exploring the position of the researcher in scientific research

The crisis of confidence in the social sciences has many corollaries which impact our research practices. One of these is a push towards maximal and mechanical objectivity in quantitative research. This stance is reinforced by major journals and …

Five selfish reasons to work reproducibly

And so, my fellow scientists: ask not what you can do for reproducibility; ask what reproducibility can do for you! Here, I present five reasons why working reproducibly pays off in the long run and is in the self-interest of every ambitious, …

Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software

Scientific research relies on computer software, yet software is not always developed following practices that ensure its quality and sustainability. This manuscript does not aim to propose new software development best practices, but rather to …

From policy to practice: Lessons learned from an open science funding initiative

In the past few years, there has been a notable shift in the open science landscape as more countries and international agencies release recommendations and implementation guidelines for open scholarship. In August 2022, the US White House Office of …