Data Carpentry lesson to learn how to use command-line tools to perform quality control, align reads to a reference genome, and identify and visualize between-sample variation. A lot of genomics analysis is done using command-line tools for three …
Software Carpentry lesson that teaches how to use databases and SQL In the late 1920s and early 1930s, William Dyer, Frank Pabodie, and Valentina Roerich led expeditions to the Pole of Inaccessibility in the South Pacific, and then onward to …
The reported inability to replicate research findings from the published literature precipitated extensive efforts to identify and correct perceived deficiencies in the execution and reporting of biomedical research. Despite these efforts, …
This cross-sectional study examines discrepancies between registered protocols and subsequent publications for drug and diet trials whose findings were published in prominent clinical journals in the last decade. was established in …
Research resources like transgenic animals and antibodies are the workhorses of biomedicine, enabling investigators to relatively easily study specific disease conditions. As key biological resources, transgenic animals and antibodies are often …
A Data Carpentry curriculum for Economics is being developed by Dr. Miklos Koren at Central European University. These materials are being piloted locally. Development for these lessons has been supported by a grant from the Sloan Foundation.
In animal experiments, animals, husbandry and test procedures are traditionally standardized to maximize test sensitivity and minimize animal use, assuming that this will also guarantee reproducibility. However, by reducing within-experiment …
The information provided on this website is designed to assist the extramural community in addressing rigor and transparency in NIH grant applications and progress reports. Scientific rigor and transparency in conducting biomedical research is key to …
Scientists should be able to provide support for the absence of a meaningful effect. Currently, researchers often incorrectly conclude an effect is absent based a nonsignificant result. A widely recommended approach within a frequentist framework is …