Reproducibility Knowledge

Measurement Matters

This resource list contains reading material on the topic of measurement in psychological sciences. We hope the list will be a useful tool in helping researchers to improve measurement practices, and inspire debates about measurement in psychology. …

Neuroscientist Explains

Daniel Glaser apprehensively revisits an article of his that saw some fallout due to a study he cited. But that study was not the only one involved in what is now being called a crisis for psychology and further afield


PANGEA is the first power analysis program for general ANOVA designs (e.g., Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1991). PANGEA can handle designs with any number of factors, each with any number of levels; any factor can be treated as fixed or random; and any …

Replication in Psychology: A historical perspective

The reproducibility of psychological findings has generated much discussion of late. However, the question of replication is not a new one for psychologists. Psychologist have long debated how best to measure their phenomena, how to design their …

SPSP experts - open science

A video about open science, pre-registration etc.

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

A blog about statistics and open science

Stereotype threat

A podcast about stereotype threat and replication

Teaching resources spreadsheet

An excel spreadsheet about collection of open science items

The Experiment Experiment

A few years back, a famous psychologist published a series of studies that found people could predict the future — not all the time, but more often than if they were guessing by chance alone.The paper left psychologists with two options. "Either we …

The Hardest Science

Blogposts about psychology, reproducibility, replication etc.