
A tutorial on cognitive modeling for cognitive aging research

Cognitive aging researchers are interested in understanding how cognitive processes change in old age, but the relationship between hypothetical latent cognitive processes and observed behavior is often complex and not fully accounted for in standard …

Adapting open science and pre-registration to longitudinal research

Open science practices, such as pre-registration and data sharing, increase transparency and may improve the replicability of developmental science. However, developmental science has lagged behind other fields in implementing open science practices. …

Adapting open science and pre-registration to longitudinal research

Open science practices, such as pre-registration and data sharing, increase transparency and may improve the replicability of developmental science. However, developmental science has lagged behind other fields in implementing open science practices. …

An open investigation of the reproducibility of cancer biology research

It is widely believed that research that builds upon previously published findings has reproduced the original work. However, it is rare for researchers to perform or publish direct replications of existing results. The Reproducibility Project: …

Analytical code sharing practices in biomedical research

Data-driven computational analysis is becoming increasingly important in biomedical research, as the amount of data being generated continues to grow. However, the lack of practices of sharing research outputs, such as data, source code and methods, …

Are Psychology Journals Anti-replication? A Snapshot of Editorial Practices

Recent research in psychology has highlighted a number of replication problems in the discipline, with publication bias – the preference for publishing original and positive results, and a resistance to publishing negative results and replications- …

Can a Good Theory Be Built Using Bad Ingredients?

The replication crisis threatens to seriously impact theory development in the cognitive, behavioral, and social sciences. We canvas three desiderata of scientific theories (explanation, prediction, and unification) and argue that the extent to which …

Decatastrophizing research irreproducibility

The reported inability to replicate research findings from the published literature precipitated extensive efforts to identify and correct perceived deficiencies in the execution and reporting of biomedical research. Despite these efforts, …

Deep Dive into Open Scholarship: Collaboration and Replication

This deep dive session on replications and large-scale collaborations introduces a glossary of relevant terms, the problems these initiatives address, and some tools to get started. Panelists start with content knowledge transfer but switch to more …

Exploring Pre-registration and Pre-analysis Plans for Qualitative Inference

In recent years, the discipline of political science has experienced demands and moves toward greater research transparency. While in quantitative research increased transparency through replication has become a fairly accepted convention, in …