
In Praise of Moderation: Suggestions for the Scope and Use of Pre-Analysis Plans for RCTs in Economics

Pre-Analysis Plans (PAPs) for randomized evaluations are becoming increasingly common in Economics, but their definition remains unclear and their practical applications therefore vary widely. Based on our collective experiences as researchers and …

Increasing value and reducing waste: addressing inaccessible research

The methods and results of health research are documented in study protocols, full study reports (detailing all analyses), journal reports, and participant-level datasets. However, protocols, full study reports, and participant-level datasets are …

Introducing Preregistration of Research Design to Archaeology

Archaeology has an issue with "just-in-time" research, where insufficient attention is paid to articulating a research design before fieldwork begins. Data collection, management, and analysis approaches are under-planned and, often, evolve during …

Is Preregistration Worthwhile?

Proponents of preregistration argue that, among other benefits, it improves the diagnosticity of statistical tests. In the strong version of this argument, preregistration does this by solving statistical problems, such as family-wise error rates. In …

Issues in the Registration of Clinical Trials

Public concerns about the perils associated with incomplete or delayed reporting of results from clinical trials has heightened interest in trial registries and results databases. Here we review the current status of trial registration efforts and …

Leonardo da Vinci, preregistration and the Architecture of Science: Towards a More Open and Transparent Research Culture

There has been much talk of psychological science undergoing a renaissance with recent years being marked by dramatic changes in research practices and to the publishing landscape. This article briefly summarises a number of the ways in which …

Making ERP research more transparent: Guidelines for preregistration

A combination of confirmation bias, hindsight bias, and pressure to publish may prompt the (unconscious) exploration of various methodological options and reporting only the ones that lead to a (statistically) significant outcome. This undisclosed …

Mapping the universe of registered reports

Registered reports present a substantial departure from traditional publishing models with the goal of enhancing the transparency and credibility of the scientific literature. We map the evolving universe of registered reports to assess their growth, …

Mitigating Illusory Results through Preregistration in Education

Like performance-enhancing drugs inflating apparent athletic achievements, several common social science practices contribute to the production of illusory results. In this article, we examine the processes that lead to illusory findings and describe …

On Not Confusing the Tree of Trustworthy Statistics with the Greater Forest of Good Science: A Comment on Simmons et al.’s Perspective on Pre-registration

In this commentary on Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn (this issue), we examine their rationale for pre-registration within the broader perspective of what good science is. We agree that there is potential benefit in a system of pre-registration if …