Framework for
Open and

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Open and Reproducible Science Syllabus


To provide educators with an example of how they can draw resources from FORRT’s educational nexus to integrate open scholarship into their teaching, FORRT has developed an Open and Reproducible Science 101 syllabus.

FORRT’s syllabus was developed as a seminar series covering 9 weeks of teaching. In an attempt to be comprehensive of the open scholarship literature, the syllabus builds on FORRT’s cluster framework. As such, the proposed topic for each week is one of FORRT’s clusters and its related literature. For each week, there are suggestions of core and additional readings. The syllabus is comprised of a series of assignments and proposed activities for students.

Importantly, this syllabus is not intended to be a “one size fits all” approach. While educators are welcomed to use this syllabus in its current format, they can also adapt it to meet their current courses and needs. We hope it can serve as starting point for your class.

FORRT’s Open and Reproducible Science Syllabus.

List of Open Science Syllabi

To further facilitate the creation, the updating, improvement, and maintenance of Open Science syllabi, we also curate a list of (possibly) useful other syllabi.

If you know of other syllabi not included in this collection, please consider adding it to our collections so that others can benefit from it too!

Click here to add an Open Scholarship Syllabi to FORRT’s Collection

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