Tutorial/R code for creating funnel/forest plots
Meta-analyses are often accompanied by two popular forms of data visualization: forest plots and funnel plots. In this post, I’ll show how quick-and-dirty forest and funnel plots can be created with the metafor package. After, I’ll show how we can instead use the ggplot2 package to create forest plots and use the ggplot2 package to create funnel plots, so that we can have pretty plots that are easy to change/stylize, and that can be produced regardless of which meta-analysis package for R that you elect to use.
Link to resource: https://sakaluk.wordpress.com/2016/02/16/7-make-it-pretty-plots-for-meta-analysis/
Type of resources: Reading, R code
Education level(s): College / Upper Division (Undergraduates), Graduate / Professional
Primary user(s): Student, Teacher
Subject area(s): Life Science, Math & Statistics, Social Science
Language(s): English