The Buffet Approach to Open Science
We have written about a few of the open science practices, some of which are becoming the norm, such as preregistration (and whether it prevents creativity). I’ve also been invited a few times to give classes and workshops to introduce various audiences to open science and how to implement the practices associated with the overall term (which covers so much more than changing our experimental and publishing habits, but that’s another blog post). Doing so means engaging with researchers from various disciplines, who conduct dramatically different types of studies, and approach science from a different angle than the prototypical theory-testing experimenter. The discussions around open science I had in these contexts have been extremely useful for me, and led me to promote what I call the “buffet approach” to open science. In short, I think it makes most sense to pick and choose those components and practices from open science that fit a specific project, career stage, personal skills, and institutional support.
Link to resource:
Type of resources: Reading
Education level(s): College / Upper Division (Undergraduates), Graduate / Professional
Primary user(s): Student, Teacher
Subject area(s): Social Science
Language(s): English