Reflections on the Unintended Consequences of the Science Reform Movement


The scientific community has entered a challenging era, as originally noted by Wagenmakers . High-profile instances of fraud, failures to replicate foundational studies in psychology, and admissions of research misconduct cast a shadow over the field of psychology initially, and the broader enterprise of science over the decade that has passed. In response to these concerns, a movement aimed at reforming scientific practices has emerged . This movement has introduced various initiatives to enhance research methods, reduce misconduct, and increase transparency . Direct replications and articles reporting null results and errors have become more accessible for publication. Concepts like preregistration and registered reports have gained significant popularity. Additionally, various aspects of science are now more “open,” encompassing preprints, open-access publications, open peer review, and openly accessible data and code.

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Type of resources: Reading

Education level(s): College / Upper Division (Undergraduates), Graduate / Professional

Primary user(s): Student, Teacher

Subject area(s): Arts and Humanities, Social Science

Language(s): English